Action Comics Weekly #615
Action Comics Weekly #615
Cover Credits
Penciller: Barry Crain
Inker: Rick Magyar

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Title: "Bitter Fruit Part 7"
Pages: 8

Black Canary (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Sharon Wright
Penciller: Randy DuBurke
Inker: Pablo Marcos
Letterer: Steve Haynie
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo

Feature Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #614 and continues in Action Comics Weekly #616.

Black Canary meets the real Doug Vallines for the first time. She learns that Vincent Scales used poisonous insecticides on his crops which are now causing illness in his former workers including Hector Librado. Doug was a pilot and exposure to the chemical has also made him ill. He has filed a lawsuit against Scales, who is working with immigration to deny the workers citizenship in an effort to keep them from filing suits.

Meanwhile, Eddie Fyers has been tasked with killing Ellen Waverly, a I.N.S. worker who believes Hector should be eligible for citizenship. Dinah and Doug's lawyer Barry Neiman find her body. They soon learn that Doug intends to go after Scales himself.

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