Green Lantern Archives Vol. 4 HC
Green Lantern Archives Vol. 4 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Gil Kane

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Title: "Master of the Power Ring"
Pages: 13

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted From:
Green Lantern #22 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Carol Ferris is excited that she will be co-chairman of a charity event with Green Lantern. When she arrives at the office to meet with him, Green Lantern is called away to deal with an emergency. A terrible sandstorm is threatening a city near the Kalihari Desert. GL stops the storm and recovers a strange meteorite which he turns over to the Science Institute for study.

While at dinner with Carol, Green Lantern is again called away when the moon is wobbling. He locates a similar meteorite on the moon’s surface and again delivers it to the Science Institute. He then locates another meteor fragment when investigating a problem on the surface of Jupiter. He returns to Earth with this fragment as well.

The meteorites are linked to Hector Hammond. Hammond has used the meteorite he found months earlier to evolve his brain and give himself immortality. Unfortunately it robbed him of his mobility. Hammond plans to use the new meteorites to restore his mobility. He has manipulated Green Lantern to find the fragments and bring them to one central location. He then arranges to have them stolen and brought to his lair. The meteorites are covered by force fields from GL’s ring, and Hammond cannot use them until the fields are removed.

Hammond telepathically contacts the power ring and draws Green Lantern to him. Hammond’s advanced brain power allow him to override Green Lantern’s control of the ring. He uses it to remove the force fields and then commands it to leave Green Lantern and come to his finger. Instead, the ring falls to the floor, drained of power. On the way to Hammond’s hideout, Green Lantern ordered the ring to drain itself of all power if it left his finger.

Without the ring’s power to hold Green Lantern, Hammond is beaten by the fists of his foe. Green Lantern then takes Hammond to prison.

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