Warlord #117
Warlord #117
Cover Credits
Artist: Mike Grell

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Title: "Legacy of Nightmare"
Pages: 22

Warlord (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Michael L. Fleisher
Artist: Ron Randall
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Jerry Serpe

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • A ship captain (next appearance in Warlord #118)
  • Tiana (no further appearances)

Haunted by dreams from her encounter with DeSaad, Tara stalks out of the palace leaving Morgan behind. While riding alone, she is spotted by hill bandits. They chase her into DeSaad's former citadel. Tara uses the illusion making machines to trick her opponents and ambush them. With one last opponent to beat, Tara dons a strange helmet which causes the bandit to experience his worst fears. The man dies, while Tara feels everything he did through the helmet.

Meanwhile, Morgan councils his daughter Jennifer and gives her the ring he found on his quest. Also Power Girl earns passage on a ship, intending to reach New Atlantis, and Redmond finds his way to Skartaris through a tunnel on Dinosaur Island.

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