Batman:The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4 HC
Batman:The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Robinson

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Title: "The Adventures of the Branded Tree"
Pages: 13

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Don Cameron
Artist: Jack Burnley

Reprinted From:
Batman #16 (1943)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Bull Beeton and his gang (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Olaf Yonson (a lumberjack; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Scotty (Olaf's partner; no further appearances)
  • Employees of the Perkins Paper Mill (no further appearances)

Batman and Robin overhear a gunshot in the woods near a paper mill. They find three city crooks attacking some lumberjacks. The crooks get away, so Batman questions the still living lumberjack. He explains that he was cutting down a tree with a dagger-shaped mark on it when the crooks attacked.

Suspecting the crooks will return, Batman stays near the mill. The crooks get jobs at the mill to look for the tree with the dagger-shaped mark. Batman finds them, but once again the crooks escape. Before they do, they hide the contents of the tree in a roll of paper.

Later Batman and Robin see the paper being delivered. The crooks strike again, but this time Batman captures them. He also recovers stolen jewels that the crooks had originally hid inside the tree.

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