All American Comics #26
Title: (Case of the Loan Shark)
Pages: 10
Green Lantern (Alan Scott of Earth-2)
Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Irwin Hasen
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 HC (1999)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Richard Turpin, two thugs, and a lawyer (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Carl Kessor (a candy store owner; no further appearances)
- Kessor's wife, a tailor, and a judge (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
Richard Turpin loans money to needy people, then forges their names to contracts forcing them to pay more money. When the clients don’t pay, he sends thugs to beat them.
Green Lantern pretends to join up with Turpin as an enforcer. When Turpin’s thugs turn on GL, he forces them to testify against their boss. When GL has enough evidence, he turns Turpin over to the police.
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