All American Comics #31
All American Comics #31
Cover Credits
Artist: Mart Nodell

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Title: (The Dude Ranch Mystery)
Pages: 6

Atom (Al Pratt of Earth-2)

Writer: Bill O'Connor
Penciller: Ben Flinton
Inker: Leonard Sansone

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Slugger and Limper (escaped convicts; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Truck Tarbell (last appearance in All-American Comics #22; no further appearances)
  • Jim (a rancher; no further appearances)
  • Anne and Jack (Calvin College students; no further appearances)

This story was not originally titled.

Al Pratt joins several classmates on a trip to a dude ranch. Truck plays a trick on him by giving him a spirited horse. While Al is trying to slow the horse down, the other students encounter two escaped convicts. The crooks switch clothes with Truck and Jack, then begin chasing the girls on horseback. Al dons his Atom costume and runs down the convicts. The police pick up Truck and Jack in the prison uniforms. Al helps get them released, despite the dirty trick they played on him.

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