Arak/Son of Thunder #12
Arak/Son of Thunder #12
Cover Credits
Artist: Ernie Colon

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Title: (The Origin of Valda)
Pages: 7


Writer: Roy Thomas
Writer: Danette Thomas
Artist: Ernie Colon
Letterer: Janice Chiang
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Rinaldo (earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Arak/Son of Thunder #13)
  • Liutgard (earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Arak/Son of Thunder #4)
  • Ganelon (earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Arak/Son of Thunder #4)
  • Archbishop Turpin (earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Arak/Son of Thunder #4)
  • Bradamante (in flashback; no further appearances)
  • The spirit of Amadis of Gaul (in flashback; no further appearances)
  • Creston (the Knight All in Scarlet; not named in this story; next appearance in Arak/Son of Thunder #27)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Roland (in flashback)

This story, which was not originally titled, takes places years before Valda first met Arak.

After proving herself on the battlefield in wars against the huns, saxons and saracens, the female warrior Bradamante is granted knighthood by Carolus Magnus and offered a place in his court. Sometime later Bradamante gave birth to a daughter named Valda. Rumors were that Magnus was the father.

Valda was given to the care of the wizard Malagigi. Bradamante then died in the ambush at Roncesvalles. Respecting the wishes of Valda's mother, Malagigi intended to raise the girl as a lady of the court. However, Valda had other wishes to follow in her mother's footsteps as a knight. Valda observed Malagigi summon the shade of a dead knight. She memorized the spell and was able to summon the knight herself. The spirit agreed to teach Valda.

After years of training, Valda is allowed to squire for a new knight during a tournament. When the knight suddenly falls ill, Valda dons his armor and rides in the joust. She defeats her uncle Rinaldo, a renowned warrior. After her victory Valda removes the helmet that masked her identity. Carolus Magnus reluctantly knights her despite his own promise that Valda would be a lady. Malagigi and the knight who fell ill then meet to acknowledge that their plan succeeded. The wizard had known all along of Valda's training, and he arranged for her impromptu stand-in for the knight.

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