Superman in the Fifties TPB
Superman in the Fifties TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Cho

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Title: "The Super-Dog from Krypton"
Pages: 10

Superboy (of Earth-1)

Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: John Fischetti

Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #210 (1955)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • A gang of crooks (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A Smallville dog catcher (no further appearances)

This story introduces Krypto, Superboy's dog.

A flashback which occurs chronologically between scene 1 (page 1 - page 3, panel 2) and scene 2 (page 3, panels 3-4) of More Fun Comics #101 reveals how Krypto was sent into space and later arrives on Earth.

Superboy encounters a super powered dog on the streets of Smallville. The dog seems to recognize him and is friendly. Superboy follows the dog to a rocket that has recently crashed on Earth. Inside the rocket he finds papers which reveal that the dog came from Krypton. The dog was sent into space by Jor-El to test a rocket which was deflected by a meteor. The dog, Krypto, belonged to Kal-El as a baby. Krypto's ship eventually made its way to Earth.

Superboy is thrilled to have his dog back. However, Krypto's frisky nature and super powers cause several problems for Superboy including threatening his secret identity. Superboy constructs a super doghouse for Krypto, but the dog is easily able to free himself.

Eventually Krypto takes off into space to chase meteors. Superboy is happy that he won't have to deal with Krypto's antics anymore, but he is sad that his friend is gone.

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