Adventure Comics #214
Title: "The Dog of Steel"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Stan Kaye
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Grabby Gordon and his gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Krypto II (an ordinary dog; no further appearances)
- Roger Danton (a dog trainer; no further appearances)
Krypto returns to Earth and nearly exposes Superboy's secret identity to Lana. Superboy locates another dog resembling Krypto in order to trick Lana. However, crooks kidnap the new dog when they believe that he has super powers. They intend to use the dog for crime. Superboy foils their plan, then carries out his plan to fool Lana. After his adventure with Superboy, Krypto returns to outer space.
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