Justice League of America Archives Vol. 7 HC
Justice League of America Archives Vol. 7 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: John E. Workman, Jr.

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Title: "Winged Warriors of the Immortal Queen"
Pages: 23

Justice League of America (of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Sid Greene

Reprinted From:
Justice League of America #60 (1968)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Thag (Aquaman's dolphin ally; no further appearances)
  • Inhabitants of planet Gram (no further appearances)
  • Plant-beings of planet Peremunda (no further appearances)

The Justice League members learn the Atom's secret identity in this story.

Aquaman, Hawkman, J'onn J'onzz, and Wonder Woman appear only briefly in this story.

This story takes place on New Year's Eve.

Zazzala the Queen Bee again attempts to press the Justice League into her service, but only succeeds in paralyzing J'onn J'onzz, Hawkman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman. Succeeding in gaining control of the Atom, she reasons that she must reduce the other heroes in size in order to overpower their wills. She then changes Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Superman, and Batman into tiny winged thralls.

Having managed to open the vials of immortality elixir, Zazzala has gained immortality, but finds herself gradually becoming paralyzed as a side-effect. She therefore intends to send the League after the components of an antidote to the original serum.

When Batgirl, who has followed Batman, invades her headquarters, Zazzala changes her into another thrall. Green Lantern and Atom procure a special urn from the planet Gram, Superman and Flash acquire a heat-globe from the planet Ishtan, and Batman, Batgirl, and Green Arrow bring back a liquid from Peremunda.

After taking her antidote, the Queen Bee intends to keep the heroes as her slaves, but Atom escapes by changing back to Ray Palmer and turning her control rod against her. He then uses the device to restore Batgirl and his fellow members to normalcy.

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