Cover Credits |
Penciller: Jackson Guice Inker: Larry Mahlstedt |
Comic List |
Comic Title: Flash:Savage Velocity TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2020
On Sale Date:
September 1, 2020 Direct Market Date September 1, 2020
Source: DC Connect, #1
Direct Market Date September 2, 2020
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Direct Market Date March 25, 2020
Source: Previews, #375
Cover Price: $39.99
Page Count: 480
Editor: Robin Wildman
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
<< | Story List | >> |
Title: "Kill the Kilg%re"
Pages: 22
Flash (Wally West Post-Crisis)
Writer: Mike Baron
Penciller: Jackson Guice
Inker: Larry Mahlstedt
Letterer: Steve Haynie
Colorist: Carl Gafford
Reprinted From:
Flash #4 (1987)
Feature Character(s)
- Flash (last appearance in Flash #3; next appearance in Flash Annual #1)
Guest Star(s)
- Cyborg (last appearance in New Teen Titans #33; next appearance in New Teen Titans #34)
Supporting Character(s)
- Tina McGee (last appearance in Flash #3; next appearance in Flash #5)
- Kilg%re (last appearance in Flash #3; next appearance in Flash #38)
- A clone of Professor Schmitz (last appearance in Flash #3; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Ronald Reagan (last appearance in Secret Origins #14; next appearance in Fury of Firestorm #62)
- Joe Kelly (a national security advisor; no further appearances)
This story is continued from Flash #3.
The Flash advises the President on the Kilg%re situation. He suggests shutting down all power grids across the country to starve out the creature. Kilg%re interrupts the conference and attacks. Flash gets everyone to safety, then runs to New York for help.
At Titans Tower, Wally enlists the aid of Cyborg. The Kilg%re crisis has now become an international problem. Wally maintains his belief that shutting down all power will force Kilg%re to retreat from the power systems. He and Cyborg return to Utah where they discover a cloning chamber that Kilg%re used to create the phony Professor Schmitz.
The major governments of the world agree to shut down the major power grids temporarily to flush Kilg%re out. Wally deduces that the creature will try to take refuge in the robotic Schmitz. Wally keeps the robot away from Kilg%re who chases him in the form of a metallic worm. Wally outlasts the creature, and Kilg%re exhausts itself of all power, effectively killing itself.
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