Doom Patrol:The Silver Age Vol. 2 TPB
Doom Patrol:The Silver Age Vol. 2 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Bob Brown

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Title: "Twilight of the Challengers"
Pages: 24

Challengers of the Unknown (of Earth-1)

Writer: Arnold Drake
Artist: Bob Brown

Reprinted From:
Challengers of the Unknown #48 (1966)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)


This story is continued in part from the first story of Doom Patrol #101 and continues in Doom Patrol #102.

After receiving a distress call, the Doom Patrol come to the aid of the Challengers of the Unknown. They arrive to find the Challs in a coma-like state. The Chief places them into suspended animation, then makes mental contact with Ace to learn the circumstances of their condition.

The Challengers were the victims of the League of Challenger-Haters. The League escaped imprisonment, then created an underwater base. When the Challs tried to attack, Multi-Man, in the form of a stingray, poisoned them with a stinger. The Challs were able to summon help before collapsing.

The Chief sends Robotman to retrieve a sample of the stinger from Multi-Man. Once Cliff successfully retrieves a stingray tail, the Chief is able to revive the Challs. Then together the Doom Patrol and the Challengers hunt for the League. Multi-Man booby-traps the League's underwater base, but his own ally, Drabny, falls victim to the ensuing explosion. The heroes are forced to temporarily abandon their pursuit when Multi-Man threatens the Chief. Once Caulder is released, both teams vow to renew their search.

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