Cover Credits |
Artist: Evan Shaner |
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Comic Title: Legion of Super-Heroes:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2018
On Sale Date:
June 27, 2018 Direct Market Date June 27, 2018
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Direct Market Date June 20, 2018
Source: Previews, #351
Cover Price: $75.00
Page Count: 680
Editor: Alex Galer
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "Hunters of the Super-Beasts"
Pages: 19
Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: John Forte
Inker: Sheldon Moldoff
Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #339 (1965)
Feature Character(s)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Saturn Girl (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Lightning Lad (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Superboy (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Superboy #126)
- Chameleon Boy (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Colossal Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Invisible Kid (last appearance in Adventure Comics #338; next appearance in Adventure Comics #341)
- Star Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #338; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Phantom Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Brainiac 5 (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Sun Boy (last appearance in Superboy #125; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
- Mon-El (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #340)
Supporting Character(s)
- Heroes of Lallor (last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; next appearance in Superboy #200)
- Evolvo Lad (last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; next appearance in Superboy #200)
- Gas Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; next appearance in Superboy #200)
- Life Lass (last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; next appearance in Superboy #200)
- Duplicate Boy (appears in flashback only; last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; next appearance in Action Comics #381)
- Commissioner Wilson of the Science Police (last appearance in Adventure Comics #335; no further appearances)
- Beast Boy (dies in this story; last appearance in Adventure Comics #324; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The inhabitants of planet Lallor, the inhabitants of planet Vorn, a group of animal-trappers, flasher-beasts, a dralgo, vrans, a tork, a volcano beast, a maw, and citizens of 30th century Metropolis (no further appearances)
Part 2: "The Menace of Beast Boy"
Prior to this story, the Legion accepts Kid Psycho into the Legion Reserve in the third story of Superboy #125.
The Legionnaires are summoned to the planet Vorn, home of many strange animal species. Informed that the wild beasts have suddenly and mysteriously become intelligent, the heroes determine to find out how. The animals they capture for study are soon freed, however, and they conclude that only one person, Beast Boy of the Heroes of Lallor, could be behind it all. Superboy speeds to Lallor, where Beast Boy's comrades confirm that he had become a brooding loner, shunned by all except them, and that he had left their planet to settle on Vorn with only the animals as his companions.
Back on Vorn, Beast Boy reveals himself, and warns the Legion to leave or die. When the Legionnaires refuse to depart, Beast Boy changes into an animal and lets himself be caught by a trapper, hoping to leave Vorn and evade capture. Saturn Girl reads his thoughts to learn his ploy, and the heroes accompany him aboard a great space ark bound for Earth.
There, the disguised Beast Boy is put in a cage in the Metropolis Zoo, from which he escapes. Changing into a dog, he roams the nearby countryside, befriended only by a little girl. When she is menaced by the maw, a creature which he had accidentally freed when he escaped from the zoo, he saves her life at the cost of his own.
The Legion arrives in time to see him return to his human form in death, and honor him as the hero he ultimately proved to be.
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