Superman:The Golden Age Vol. 5 TPB

Title: "Design for Doom"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Penciller: John Sikela
Inker: George Roussos
Reprinted From:
Action Comics #56 (1943)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Emil Loring (a mad architect; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Gateson and his assistant (no further appearances)
Superman prevents strange disasters from striking the Washington Monument, Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, and other historic landmarks. Meanwhile Lois pursues an investigation of the Gateson Employment Agency. She is taken prisoner and sent to Africa where she meets the man behind the disasters Emil Loring.
Using slave labor supplied by the employment agency Loring, a brilliant architect, has constructed an immense tower. His attacks on other monuments were designed to eliminate the competition.
Superman traces Lois back to Africa and prevents an attack on the pyramids. He then rescues Lois, while Loring is crushed beneath the wreckage of his own tower.
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