Super DC Giant S-20
Title: "Room 13"
Pages: 11
Artist: Jack Sparling
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Two burglars (last appearance in House of Mystery #46; no further appearances)
- A gunman (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
Framing sequence
Three children, Marshall, Leroy, and Lisa, arrive at the House of Mystery. They show Cain an item found outside a curio shop, a box with two tiny men inside. Cain sees a button on the box. When he pushes it, he disappears. The children think Cain has traded places with one of the men in the box, but they are wrong. Instead Cain is transported into one of his stories.
Marshall keeps pushing the button. Each time he does, Cain disappears and reappears in another story. Finally, after many tries, Cain returns to the House of Mystery. He chases the children around the house. Eventually he locks Marshall and Leroy in the mysterious Room 13.
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