Name: Cain
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Unknown
Occupation: Caretaker
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: The House of Mystery, somewhere in the Kentucky Hills
Known Relatives: Abel (brother), Eve (cousin)
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 174 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
First Appearance: House of Mystery #175
Little is known of the early life of the man called Cain before he became caretaker of the so-called House of Mystery, and thus it has been speculated that he and his brother, Abel, caretaker of the House of Secrets, are in fact the reincarnated manifestations of the biblical Cain and Abel, the first murderer and his victim.
What is known is that Cain is a consummate storyteller who takes particular delight in tales designed to terrify his audience.
Unlike the House of Secrets, which stands directly across the cemetery from it, nothing is known of the origins of the House of Mystery. It is a large old rambling house of indeterminate architecture that has, on occasion, seemed to possess a life of its own. Rooms come and go in the House of Mystery, and no room ever appears to be quite the same any two times one looks at it.
Cain possesses no true powers save for a slight malicious streak, a diabolical sense of humor, and an unnatural gift for storytelling. A sub-par hand-to-hand combatant, Cain prefers to rely on his wits when confronted with physical violence.