Strange Adventures #238
Title: "The Shadow-People of the Eclipse"
Pages: 15
Adam Strange (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted From:
Mystery in Space #78 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Llyrr (an mentally superior alien; no further appearances)
- The Vantor (last appearance in Mystery in Space #63; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several residents of Rann and prisoners of Llyrr (no further appearances)
Adam Strange returns to Rann to discover that the world is under attack from the Vantor, an alien race he has encountered before. The aliens plunge the planet into darkness and intense heat, forcing the people of Rann outside into the open. Then they use a dark disc to turn the people of Rann into shadows. The effect causes the people to be transported to another planet.
On the other planet, Adam learns that a mentally superior alien named Llyrr is responsible for their predicament. Llyrr has made a deal with the Vantor to bring people to his world in order to enter their minds and gain their experience. Adam discovers a way to defeat Llyrr by causing lightning to strike him.
When Llyrr collapses, the people are returned to their own world. Adam then defeats the Vantor, who have the dark disc used against them, sending them away to Llyrr’s world.
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