Title: (Sheba, Queen of the Desert)
Pages: 9
Hawkman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Sheldon Moldoff
Reprinted From:
Flash Comics #6 (1940)
Feature Character(s)
- Sheba (queen of the desert; no further appearances)
- Sheik Abdullah and his slave traders (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Ione Craig (last appearance in Flash Comics #5; no further appearances)
- Major Brent (no further appearances)
- A group of soldiers (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled; the title shown here was given on the contents page of Golden Age Hawkman Archives Vol. 1 in which this story is reprinted.
This story is continued in part from the third story of Flash Comics #5.
After rescuing Ione Craig from a cult of assassins, Hawkman is forced to land in the desert. When he leaves Ione to scout the nearby area, she is captured by the slavers of Sheik Abdullah. Hawkman tries to rescue Ione, but is instead captured too.
Sheba, the queen of the desert, claims Hawkman from Abdullah. Hawkman escapes from Sheba and meets soldiers outside of the city. In Abdullah's dungeons, Hawkman met Major Brent, an army leader. With the help of the soldiers, Hawkman raids the city and rescues Ione and Brent. Sheba however escapes capture.