Superman Archives Vol. 4 HC
Title: (The City Beneath the Earth)
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: John Sikela
Reprinted From:
Superman #13 (1941)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Kyack and his renegades (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Tulan and his people (an underground race; no further appearances)
This story originally was not titled; the title shown here was given on the contents page of Superman Archives Vol. 4 in which this story is reprinted.
Superman rescues several people from a collapsing building, then learns that a race of underground people is responsible for the building’s destruction. He attempts to stop their invasion plans and rescues the leader of the people, Tulan. A renegade, Kyack, was responsible for the planned invasion, so Superman stops him and leaves Tulan and his people peaceably.
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