Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 5 TPB
Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 5 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Evan Shaner

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Title: "The Cavalier of Crime"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: George Roussos

Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #81 (1943)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Cavalier (Mortimer Drake; real name not revealed in this story; next appearance in Batman #22)
  • Cavalier's men (Jennings named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A youngster and his father (no further appearances)
  • Berry Berrigan (a sporting goods store owner; no further appearances)

Batman and Robin witness a swordsman steal a baseball from a young boy. When they attempt to stop him, he announces he is the Cavalier, a crook with chivalry. The Cavalier knocks out Robin and escapes, leading Batman on a trail around Gotham. Batman eventually finds the crook robbing the safe of a sporting goods store. Batman successfully stops the theft, but the Cavalier eludes capture.

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