Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 1 TPB
Batman:The Golden Age Vol. 1 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Cho

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Title: "The Joker"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Bob Kane

Reprinted From:
Batman #1 (1940)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Joker (first appearance; last appearance in Detective Comics #168; next appearance in Batman #1)
  • Brute Nelson and his gang (gangsters; Brute dies in this story; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Henry Claridge, Jay Wilde, and Judge Drake (victims of the Joker; die in this story; no further appearances)

The two page origin sequence from the first story of Detective Comics #33 entitled "The Legend of Batman – Who He Is and How He Came To Be" precedes this story; the splash panel is reprinted from the first story of Detective Comics #34.

This story was not originally titled.

The Joker, a grinning clown-faced killer, announces his crimes over the radio, threatening to kill several men and steal valuable items from them. When he is successful, the underworld is angry that he has upstaged them. Brute Nelson, a gangster, plans a trap for the Joker, but the Joker avoids the trap and kills Nelson. Batman, having taken an interest in the case is nearly killed himself when he attempts to pursue the Clown Prince of Crime.

Batman has Robin watch the site of the Joker’s next attack where the Joker has killed Judge Drake. Robin follows Joker back to an old house, but is captured. Batman arrives in time to save Robin from being injected with Joker Venom, a poison which kills leaving a smile on the victim’s face.

Joker escapes again, but only temporarily as Batman tracks him down once again. This time the Dynamic Duo is able to take down the villain and send him to prison.

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