Strange Adventures #28

Title: "Devil's Island in Space"
Pages: 8
Captain Comet (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
Greatest 1950s Stories Ever Told HC (1990)
Greatest 1950s Stories Ever Told TPB (1992)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mag-a-Til and the criminals of Lamia (Kro-Mag named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The Septarch (the rulers of Lamia; no further appearances)
- Several military officers (no further appearances)
The planet Lamia chooses to exile its criminals on another planet. They choose Earth, since they believe the population there is primitive. When they reach Earth, the alien criminals begin building a space craft. To power the ship, they steal a hydrogen bomb which alerts Captain Comet. Comet discovers the aliens are invisible, but he is able to track them to another of their robberies. He then uses paint to expose the invisible crooks. Finally, Captain Comet rounds up the aliens and takes them back to their own planet. He also warns the rulers of Lamia not to use Earth as its prison planet in the future.
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