Superman Archives Vol. 3 HC
Superman Archives Vol. 3 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Shuster

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Title: (The Invisible Luthor)
Pages: 13

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Leo Nowak

Reprinted From:
Superman #10 (1941)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Luthor (last appearance in Superman #5; next appearance in Superman #12)
  • Luthor’s henchmen (die in this story; no further appearances)
  • Bob Dunning (Luthor’s partner; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • The Mayor and his assistants (no further appearances)

Lex Luthor is depicted bald for the first time in this story, no longer sporting red hair.

This story was not originally titled.

Clark Kent witnesses a bank disappear from sight, and then rematerialize after having been robbed. Soon the city’s water supply also vanishes. A mysterious voice from an invisible plane tells Superman about a demand for one hundred million dollars in order to return the water.

Clark Kent informs the Mayor about the demands of the unknown crook. The city decides to allow Superman to deliver the money, but the money itself is fake. When the Man of Steel delivers the money he learns that Luthor is the crook, but is also working with someone else.

Superman plays possum so that he can trail Luthor to his partner. The trail leads him to Bob Dunning who planned on using the money to cover a stock manipulation scam. Superman smashes the machine that made the water disappear and captures Dunning, but Luthor escapes in the invisible plane.

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