Action Comics #395
Action Comics #395
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Dick Giordano

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Title: "The Credit Card of Catastrophe"
Pages: 8

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Leo Dorfman
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Superman visits the carnival fortune teller Madame Mephisto. Although, he doesn't fall for her act, Superman accepts a credit card which supposedly will grant him three wishes. Later, Superman's powers fail. When he wishes for them to return then do, but only long enough for him to handle an emergency. When he has used all three wishes, his powers seem to disappear permanently.

Superman returns to Madame Mephisto. She offers to restore his powers permanently if he will grant her a favor of her choosing. Superman grudgingly agrees. True to her word, Madame Mephisto restores Superman's powers. She then asks him for half the gold in Fort Knox.

Superman gets the gold and buries the fortune teller with it. He then unmask Madame Mephisto, who is actually Supergirl. He explains that he realized his powers were never gone because his invulnerability was still working. Supergirl explains that she hypnotized Superman as part of a psychology experiment to see if Superman could be made to commit a crime. Since, the Man of Steel saw through her ruse, she never gets an answer.

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