Superman #190
Superman #190
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

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Title: "The Four Element Enemies"
Pages: 24

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: James Shooter
Artist: Wayne Boring

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Amalak (a space pirate; next appearance in Superman #195)
  • Four element beings (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Four citizens of Metropolis (hosts of the Element beings; no further appearances)

Part 2: "Fight with the Fearsome Foursome"

Amalak, a space pirate, wishes to eliminate Superman in advance of conquering Earth. Amalak utilizes a super weapon that transforms hosts into elemental beings of incredible power under his control. After selecting three hosts, Amalak selects Clark Kent for the last. When the transformation ray strikes Clark it is deflected to a small boy and also weakens him. The feedback caused by the ray also knocks Amalak unconscious.

Without Amalak to command them the element enemies are still able to launch an assault on Superman. Still suffering from the effects of the ray, the Man of Steel finds his foes to be powerful opposition. When Amalak recovers he sees that Superman has nearly been killed. Wanting to kill him himself, Amalak calls off the attackers. The respite allows Superman to recover and defeat three of his opponents. Only the fire element being remains. Amalak orders it to cause an atomic explosion, but the creature turns against Amalak's ship. The explosion destroys Amalak's ship, but Superman hypothesizes that the space pirate may have escaped.

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