Nightwing:Old Friends, New Enemies TPB
Nightwing:Old Friends, New Enemies TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael William Kaluta

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Title: "Distractions"
Pages: 8

Nightwing (Post-Crisis)
Speedy (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Plotter: Cherie Wilkerson
Artist: Thomas Mandrake
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Action Comics Weekly #627 (1988)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

Flashback Appearance(s)

"Rocks and Hard Places Chapter Two"

This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #627 and continues in Action Comics Weekly #628.

Speedy diverts a speed boat full of gunmen intent on running down Nightwing. He then pulls his friend from the water, but the crooks escape with the coffin full of drugs. Once they are safely back aboard the ferry, Roy tells Dick how he discovered a link between the CBI and drugs being shipped into Ireland. Soon after reporting the information to his superiors, he was nearly killed, then fired.

After the ferry docks, Roy and Dick stroll the streets with Lian. Roy explains that he had come to Ireland in search of his roots. Dick notices they are being followed and gets them to safety when armed men try to kill them. Dick decides to return home to investigate the CBI, while Roy stays in Ireland.

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