Showcase Presents:Sgt. Rock Vol. 4 TPB
Showcase Presents:Sgt. Rock Vol. 4 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Kubert

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Title: "Monday's Coward -- Tuesday's Hero"
Pages: 14

Sgt. Rock (of Earth-1)

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Russ Heath

Reprinted From:
Our Army at War #181 (1967)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Various German soldiers (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Duke, Ace, and Fats (three soldiers; no further appearances)
  • An unnamed sergeant (no further appearances)

While on patrol, Sgt. Rock witnesses another sergeant being killed by enemy fire. Rock and Easy take out the attackers, then before dying the sergeant tells Rock that he was escorting three cowardly soldiers back to base to be court-martialed. Rock promises to finish the sergeant's mission.

The three soldiers refuse to fight and are marched through the jungle. Along the way members of Easy Company are wounded and must be left behind for the medics. Ice Cream Soldier, Bulldozer, and Little Sure Shot give their weapons to the cowardly men in hopes of making them real soldiers. When Rock faces off against a tank, he tells the cowards to hide. Instead, the men charge the tank and rescue Rock. The bravery of Easy has rubbed off on the soldiers, so Rock welcomes them to the unit.

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