Superman Chronicles Vol. 10 TPB
Superman Chronicles Vol. 10 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Jack Burnley

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Title: (Superman's Amazing Adventure)
Pages: 13

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Leo Nowak

Reprinted From:
Superman #19 (1942)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Skeet Monahan and his gang (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Professor Hunt and various alien creatures (dream appearance)

Superman dreams that Lois learns his secret identity in this story.

This story originally was not titled; the title shown here was given on the contents page of Superman Archives Vol. 5 in which this story is reprinted.

After writing a series of articles speaking out against racketeer Skeet Monahan, Clark and Lois are attacked by Monahan’s men and bury in rubble. Clark uses his powers to get free, but Lois revives and learns his secret identity. They are then transported to another world by Monahan’s ally Professor Hunt.

In the alternate dimension, Superman battles various alien creatures to save Lois. He triumphs and orders the creatures to send him home. Once returned to Earth, Lois is turned to stone and shattered.

Before Superman can act, he wakes up. The adventure was all a dream, which occurred while buried in the rubble. He frees Lois, this time without revealing his secret, then captures Monahan.

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