Action Comics #246
![Action Comics #246 Action Comics #246](/gallery/!dc/action/action246.jpg)
Title: "Krypton on Earth"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Wayne Boring
Inker: Stan Kaye
Reprinted In:
Superman:The Man of Tomorrow Archives Vol. 1 HC (2004)
Showcase Presents Superman Vol. 1 TPB (2005)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Jonas Smith and his henchmen (no further appearances)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- An unnamed couple and child (play Jor-El and Lara in a pageant; no further appearances)
An island has been converted to resemble a Kryptonian city. Superman investigates the community run by Jonas Smith. Superman is invited in as a guest. He participates in a pageant, which reenacts Superman’s journey to Earth. Superman also puts on a show with his abilities.
The leader of the community, Jonas Smith is really a wanted criminal. He has Superman create diamonds out of coal and then sends them to his henchmen on the mainland. Superman stumbles onto the scheme when he sees Jonas’s fingerprints. He puts Jonas in jail and appoints another man to oversee the community of Kryptonopolis.
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