Adventure Comics #158
Title: "Portrait in Peril"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Jack Miller
Artist: John Daly
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Tom Renfrew (a young art student; no further appearances)
- Dean Andrews (no further appearances)
Art student Tom Renfrew must complete a portrait of Aquman for the College of Marine Arts scholarship. However, Aquaman is busy repairing an undersea cable and cannot pose for Tom. The artist tries using a photo for reference, but the picture is ruined by the marine air. Desperate, Tom tries to trap Aquaman in a glass diving bell. Aquaman summons his fish friends to escape, then he throws Tom into the water. Tom fears he will drown, but Aquaman saves him. Tom's memory of the experience is vivid, so he is able to finish his portrait and earn the scholarship.
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