Adventure Comics #156
Title: "Aquaman Versus the Sea"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Don Cameron
Artist: John Daly
Feature Character(s)
- Claude Hartwick and his assistant (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Kathie Wingham and Pierre Morand (swimmers; no further appearances)
Aquaman is enlisted to swim the English Channel for charity. Unknown to Aquaman, the event sponsor, Claude Hartwick, intends to make a fortune when he enlists competition for Aquaman. The other competitors pay an entrance fee without knowing that Aquaman is in the race.
On race day, the contestants are discouraged, knowing Aquaman will easily beat them. Aquaman is also contractually bound to try his best, though he knows the event is unfair. When the race begins Aquaman's fish friends sabotage Aquaman, slowing him down. Hartwick, seeing the trouble tries to delay and even kill the other swimmers. Aquaman stops him and Kathie Wingham wins the race.
After the official race is over, Aquaman swims the channel again, completing the race in mere seconds.
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