Adventure Comics #150
Title: "Superboy's Initiation"
Pages: 10
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Artist: John Sikela
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Members of the Smallhi Fraternity (Reggie named; no further appearances)
- Arthur Dark (no further appearances)
Clark Kent is invited to join the exclusive Smallhi Fraternity. However, his super-hearing reveals that the frat boys only want to humiliate him at his initiation. Clark goes through with it to protect his secret identity, but he then returns as Superboy and asks to join the club. The boys eagerly accept and plan an initiation for him.
During his initiation, Superboy causes all the pranks to backfire on the boys. After he passes the tests and is officially inducted, Superboy asks the club founders if they've been initiated. When he learns that they haven't, Superboy conducts an initiation of the boys. The boys are scared and agree to amend their cruel initiations practices. Clark is then invited back to join the club.
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