Action Comics #114

Title: "The Man Who Was Honest"
Pages: 12
Superman (of Earth-2)
Penciller: Ira Yarbrough
Inker: J. Winslow Mortimer
Reprinted In:
Superman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 6 HC (2019)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mike Chesney and two associates (Pinky named; mobsters; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Dr. Carl Sand (a criminologist; no further appearances)
- Sam Nichols (a photographer; no further appearances)
- Henry Royce, John Carver, Mrs. Bixby, and Lloyd Marwick (no further appearances)
When criminologist Carl Sand claims that there are no honest men, Lois Lane seeks to prove him wrong. With the help of Superman, Lois seeks out people that claim to be honest. Superman puts each of them to tests of their honesty, which they ultimately fail.
Photographer Sam Nichols passes Superman's tests and proves to be an honest man. When Mike Chesney's mob attempt to use one of Nichols's photographs to provide an alibi, Superman is able to outwit them. Nichols is willing to testify against the crooks, so Chesney attempts to kill him. Superman saves the day by apprehending the crooks. Nichols once again proves his total honesty, which Lois uses as a rebuttle to Sand's claim.
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