Adventure Comics #105
Adventure Comics #105
Cover Credits
Artist: Stan Kaye

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Title: "Tubby Reduces"
Pages: 10

Johnny Quick (of Earth-2)

Writer: Joe Samachson
Penciller: Mort Meskin
Inker: George Roussos

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Slats and his gang (Porky named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Broadway Baines (a columnist; no further appearances)
  • Mulrooney and an unnamed wealthy man (no further appearances)

Tubby Watts visits a health farm where he intends to lose weight. On the farm, a gang of criminals is hiding out. Their boss has ordered them not to arouse suspicion or commit crimes. When one of the crooks finds a wallet, he places it back in the owner's pants. However, he accidentally puts the wallet in Tubby's pants. When the wallet is reported lost, Tubby is accused of the theft.

Johnny Quick clears Tubby, but later the wallet goes missing again. Tubby and Johnny search for the wallet. They witness the crooks trying to stop the delivery of the morning paper which contains pictures of the gang in connection with a robbery. Johnny apprehends the crooks and returns the wallet to the owner. Despite his stay at the health farm, Tubby does not lose any weight.

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