Adventure Comics #104
Title: "The Cat and the Mouse"
Pages: 9
Green Arrow (of Earth-2)
Artist: George Papp
Reprinted In:
Green Arrow:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2018)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- The Cat and her gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- An unnamed district attorney (no further appearances)
Police call in Green Arrow for help in apprehending the Cat. The crooks uses high building and an airplane to fire poison gas bombs at police. Meanwhile the Cat's men escape from robbery scenes.
Green Arrow manages to board the Cat's plane, but is unable to catch his foe. Speedy is then caught, but not before leaving a trail for Green Arrow to follow.
Green Arrow then uses a fake mouse to startle the Cat. He had already deduced that the masked crook was a girl. Green Arrow apprehends her and rescues Speedy.
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