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Comic Title: Marvel Collectors Item Classics #3
Publisher: Marvel
(Animated Timely Features, Inc.)
Address: 625 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
Cover Date: June 1966
On Sale Date:
March 10, 1966 Copyright Date March 10, 1966
Source: Library of Congress, Periodicals 1966
Newsstand Date March 10, 1966
Source: Newsdealer Magazine, V21 #2
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Cover Price: $0.25
Page Count: 64
Editor: Roy Thomas
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Title: "The Coming of... Sub-Mariner"
Pages: 23
Fantastic Four
Writer: Stan Lee
Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Sol Brodsky
Reprinted From:
Fantastic Four #4 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
- Fantastic Four (last appearance in Fantastic Four #3; next appearance in Fantastic Four #5)
- Mister Fantastic (last appearance in Fantastic Four #3; next appearance in Fantastic Four #5)
- Invisible Girl (last appearance in Fantastic Four #3; next appearance in Fantastic Four #5)
- Thing (last appearance in Fantastic Four #3; next appearance in Fantastic Four #5)
- Human Torch (last appearance in Fantastic Four #3; next appearance in Fantastic Four #5)
- Sub-Mariner (first Silver Age appearance; last appearance in Sub Mariner #42; next appearance in Fantastic Four #6)
- Giganto (an undersea monster; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Johnny Storm's friends (some work at Swanson's Garage; no further appearances)
- Several homeless men (no further appearances)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- The Miracle Man (in flashback to Fantastic Four #3)
- A monster statue (in flashback to Fantastic Four #3)
Chapter 1:"On the Trail of the Torch"
Chapter 2:"Enter the Sub-Mariner"
Chapter 3:"Let the World Beware"
Chapter 4:"Sub-Mariner's Revenge"
Chapter 5:"Return to the Deep"
This story re-introduces Namor the Sub-Mariner, a hero from Marvel's Golden Age.
The Fantastic Four are now based in New York. They had previously operated from Central City.
This issue contains a full page pin-up of Mister Fantastic.
After the departure of Johnny Storm, the other members of the Fantastic Four split up to search the city for their teammate. The Thing finds Johnny at Swanson's Garage, but their reunion only leads to more conflict. Johnny departs again. This time he finds a shelter for the homeless in the bowery.
At the shelter, Johnny meets a man suffering from amnesia. When he uses his flame to give the homeless man a shave and a haircut, Johnny recognizes him as Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner. In an attempt to restore Namor's lost memory, Johnny takes him to the docks and throws him in the ocean. Namor's memory does return. He swims to a nearby colony of his people only to find that it was destroyed by atomic tests. The Sub-Mariner swears vengeance.
Using a magic horn, the Sub-Mariner awakens Giganto, an undersea creature which he then turns against the city of New York. The Fantastic Four battle Giganto who is defeated when the Thing carries a bomb into the creature's belly and detonates it. The Sub-Mariner threatens to summon more beasts, but Sue steals the horn. Namor becomes enamored with Sue and offers to break off the attack if she becomes his bride. Sue offers to sacrifice herself, but the others refuse the offer. The Human Torch then creates a tornado which carries Namor back out to sea. The horn is lost in the battle, so the Sub-Mariner vows to return to renew his fight with humankind.
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