More Fun Comics #83
More Fun Comics #83
Cover Credits
Artist: George Papp

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Title: "Leatherpusher Law"
Pages: 10

Spectre (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Bernard Baily

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Blackie Barrow and his gang (Slug named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Hank Morris and Kid Morris (a former boxing champion and his brother; no further appearances)

Pericival Popp becomes a boxer when he suspects former champion Hank Morris was drugged during a fight. Meanwhile, Spectre tracks a group of smugglers to the gym where Popp is training. Gangster Blackie Barrow, who is behind both crimes, sets up Popp as an underdog and fixes his fights. Spectre uncovers the secret of the smuggling ring, as the crooks hide the goods inside gym equipment. He breaks up the gang, and Morris returns to the ring to become champion again.

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