Rip Hunter... Time Master #6
Rip Hunter... Time Master #6
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "The Secret of the Ancient Seer"
Pages: 25

Rip Hunter (of Earth-1)

Writer: Jack Miller
Artist: Alexander Toth

Reprinted In:
52:The Companion TPB (2007)
Showcase Presents:Rip Hunter, Time Master Vol. 1 TPB (2012)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Several 8th century Turks (no further appearances)
  • Sejanus (a roman prophet; no further appearances)
  • Citizens of Herculaneum (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • An unnamed government official (no further appearances)
  • Abassid (an 8th century prophet; no further appearances)
  • Citizens of 8th century Baghdad (no further appearances)
  • The colonel of a Norwegian military base (no further appearances)

Chap. 2: "The Doomed City"
Chap. 3: "The Menace of the Meteorite"

Rip Hunter is alerted to a prophecy which reveals that an island will be destroyed in a few days. Investigating the source of the prophecy, Rip and the team travel to 8th century Baghdad and meet Abassid, the prophet. The team helps Abassid fufill a prediction of an iron giant dousing a fire in the city. The seer then tells Rip that his predictions originated from a Roman book.

The team then travels to 1st century Rome to meet the prophet, Sejanus. The seer has knowledge of their arrival and tries to capture them. Rip sneaks into the city of Herculaneum and finds a coin from 2025. Sejanus met a time traveler from that time who is responsible for his predictions. Rip’s escape is covered by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which buries the city.

Returning to the present with the knowlegde he sought, Rip seeks to prevent the destruction of a Norwegian island. Upon the island is a stockpile of explosives from a military base. Using explosives Rip and the team are able to divide the island into two pieces, towing the main portion containing the men and explosives away. A meteorite destroys the remaining portion of the island fufilling the prophecy. Corky theorizes that the time traveler may have been Rip’s grandson.

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