Cover Credits |
Artist: Simon Bisley |
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Comic Title: Doom Patrol #33
Publisher: DC
(DC Comics Inc.)
Address: 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Imprint: Vertigo
Cover Date: June 1990
On Sale Date:
April 24, 1990 Shipping Date April 24, 1990
Source: Previews, #14
Shipping Date April 24, 1990
Source: Amazing Heroes, #178
Copyright Date April 24, 1990
Source: Library of Congress, Copyright Office 1990
Frequency: Monthly
Cover Price: $1.50
Page Count: 32
Editor: Art Young
Story |
Title: "The Puppet Theater"
Pages: 24
Doom Patrol (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Richard Case
Inker: John Nyberg
Letterer: John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist: Daniel Vozzo
Reprinted In:
Doom Patrol:The Painting That Ate Paris TPB (2004)
Doom Patrol Omnibus HC (2014)
Doom Patrol Book One TPB (2016)
Feature Character(s)
- Doom Patrol (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Doom Patrol #34)
- Robotman (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Justice League Europe #17)
- Rebis (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Justice League Europe #17)
- Crazy Jane (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Doom Patrol #35)
- Chief (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Doom Patrol #34)
- Rhea Jones (last appearance in Doom Patrol #26; next appearance in Doom Patrol #36)
Supporting Character(s)
- Dorothy Spinner (last appearance in Doom Patrol #31; next appearance in Doom Patrol #35)
- Joshua Clay (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; next appearance in Doom Patrol #34)
- Cult of the Unwritten Book (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; no further appearances)
- The Decreator (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; no further appearances)
- Hoodman Blind and Hoodman Shame (no further appearances)
- The Archons of Nurnheim (no further appearances)
- The Starving Skins (no further appearances)
- The Bellmaster (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Willoughby Kipling (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; no further appearances)
- The Fifth Window (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; no further appearances)
- Emilio Cuervo (last appearance in Doom Patrol #32; no further appearances)
This story is continued from Doom Patrol #32.
Willoughby Kipling, Rebis, and Crazy Jane witness the appearance of the Decreator which will destroy the universe. While they search for a way to stop it, Cliff has traveled through a gateway to the dead city of Nurnheim where the Cult of the Unwritten Book makes their home. He finds the young man whom the Cult used to summon the Decreator and faces the Archons of Nurnheim, who are living marionettes. The city actually exists in a snowglobe inside Doom Patrol headquarters. Cliff tries to signal Josh from inside.
While Cliff fights inside Nurnheim, Jane and Rebis concoct a plan to set up counter vibrations to stop the Decreator. Their plan is effective at slowing, but not stopping it. Cliff finally signals Josh, who breaks the globe. Cliff emerges. Before he can destroy the city, it is unmade by the Decreator. Kipling and the others realize that the Decreator can not be stopped, but it is now slowed down enough that only occasionally will things disappear. Kipling then takes his leave from the other.
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