Aquaman #54

Title: "Crime Wave"
Pages: 23
Aquaman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Steve Skeates
Artist: Jim Aparo
Reprinted In:
Aquaman:Deadly Waters the Deluxe Edition HC (2020)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mera (imaginary appearance)
- Members of a crime syndicate (last appearance in Aquaman #45; no further appearances)
- Thanatos (imaginary appearance)
Other Character(s)
- John (a police detective; no further appearances)
- Paul (a police officer; no further appearances)
- Edwin Maxwell (a playboy; no further appearances)
Aquaman rushes back to the sea after meeting with some surface-dwelling friends. He is ambushed by a gang of criminals who take him prisoner. The criminals try to brainwash Aquaman as they have done with other victims, turning them into criminals. During the mental struggle, Aquaman imagines a battle with a being called Thanatos whom takes Aquaman's own form and repeatedly defeats him. Aquaman is able to resist the brainwashing long enough to be rescued by the police before his mind is permanently destroyed. After his rescue, Aquaman learns that the criminals responsible were the same gang that had once kidnapped Mera.
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