Superman #16
Superman #16
Cover Credits
Artist: John L. Byrne

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Title: "He Only Laughs When I Hurt"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Penciller: John L. Byrne
Inker: Karl Kesel
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Thomas J. Ziuko

Reprinted In:
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 8 TPB (2014)
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 4 HC (2022)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Sarah Olsen (last appearance in Superman #15; next appearance in Superman #17)
  • Alice (last appearance in Superman #10; next appearance in Adventures of Superman #439)
  • Tom and Billy (subway operators; no further appearances)
  • Betsy (Edge's secretary; no further appearances)
  • Peter James Shoemaker (a homeless man; identified only as Pete in this story; next appearance in Superman #17)
  • Two unnamed producers of the Uncle Oswald Show (no further appearances)
  • Lt. Shaw (a Navy pilot; no further appearances)
  • A team of unnamed scientists (no further appearances)

A snow storm turns dangerous when Superman discovers that a large quantity of soap bubbles has been mixed into the snow. Additional pranks occur all over Metropolis including a subway tunnel filled with popcorn and a giant rubber flower that shoots water in the middle of a city street.

Oswald Loomis, host of a children's television show, is behind the pranks. He has kidnapped Lois Lane in order to give her the story. He is upset by modern children's television which is designed to sell toys. He locks himself and Lois in the studio prompting Morgan Edge the station owner to demand his surrender. The Prankster then ejects Edge out the side of the building several stories in the air.

Superman catches Edge and returns him to the studio. Oswald quickly surrenders to Superman. He intends to capitalize on the publicity to get a new deal. However, attempted murder and kidnapping are serious crimes for which he will serve a long sentence. However, the Prankster manages to escape.

Meanwhile, a science team in Antarctica discover a heat source beneath the ice. When the investigate they uncover a blond girl half-frozen under the ice. She is wearing a Supergirl costume.

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