Suicide Squad #36
Suicide Squad #36
Cover Credits
Artist: Geof Isherwood

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Title: "In Final Battle"
Pages: 22

Suicide Squad (Post-Crisis)

Writer: John Ostrander
Writer: Kim Yale
Penciller: John K. Snyder III
Inker: Geof Isherwood
Letterer: Todd Klein
Letterer: John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist: Carl Gafford

Reprinted In:
Suicide Squad:Apokolips Now TPB (2017)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Jacob Finlay (as a ghost; last name incorrectly given as Smith in this story; last appearance in Secret Origins #37; next appearance in Suicide Squad #37)
  • A devil and his toady (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

This story is continued from Suicide Squad #35 and continues in part in Suicide Squad #37.

The battle of Apokolips has seemingly ended with Lashina rejoining the Female Furies. The Suicide Squad has lost. However, some of them are still fighting. Count Vertigo stabs Kanto in the back. Nightshade returns from the shadow dimension with the unconscious body of Artemiz. Then the Bronze Tiger and reinforcements arrive with the help of the Forever People.

The battle resumes. Doctor Light who came with the Bronze Tiger is killed. Flo is also killed in the crossfire. Finally, Darkseid appears and calls an end to the hostilities. He resurrects Bernadeth. Then congratulates Lashina for earning back her place. However, he punishes her for bringing the humans to Apokolips. Darkseid offers to resurrect Flo and the others, but Waller refuses. She knows that the resurrected will be his slaves. Darkseid then sends the Suicide Squad on their way, away from Apokolips.

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