Plastic Man
Plastic Man

Name: Plastic Man
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: "Eel" O'Brian
Occupation: Law Enforcement Agent, Former Professional Criminal
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: N.B.I.
Base of Operations: Unnamed American city
Known Relatives: None
Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: Brave & the Bold #95

When Plastic Man was ten, his parents, the O'Brians, died, leaving him an orphan. Embittered at the loss of his parents, O'Brian finally became a professional criminal known as the Eel.

Together with other criminals "Eel" O'Brian tried to rob the Crawford Chemical Works. O'Brian was shot by a guard and accidentally knocked over a vat of chemicals, including an unknown acid, and the chemicals seeped into his wound. Abandoned by the other thieves. O'Brian made his way to a mountainside and collapsed.

Upon awakening, O'Brian found himself at a monastic mountain retreat called Rest-Haven. Believing O'Brian could become a valuable citizen, an aged monk had turned the searching police away. Impressed by the monk's kindness, O'Brian decided to reform. He discovered that the chemicals had somehow given him stretching powers.

O'Brian vowed to atone for his past by using his new powers to fight criminals. He adopted a costumed identity, as Plastic Man, for which he used his powers to alter his facial features. Plastic Man then captured the thieves who had deserted him at the chemical plant. He maintained his O'Brian identity, too, posing as a criminal to learn about future crimes he could thwart.

Today, Plastic Man is an agent of the National Bureau of Investigations (N.B.I.). Woozy Winks assists him, trying to become an N.B.I. agent himself. He has also teamed with Batman on several occasions.

Plastic Man can stretch all or any part of his body to incredible lengths. He can also compress his body or any part of it enough to pass it through a paper-thin opening. He can use his powers to mold his facial features so as to disguise himself. He can also alter his shape so as to pose as various kinds of objects.

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