Strange Adventures #149
Title: "Case of the Rebellious Space-Crew"
Pages: 8
Star Hawkins
Writer: John Broome
Artist: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A gang of Plutonian mutineers (Perni named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Dirk Danton (a gambler; no further appearances)
- Captain Scott (a space-captain; no further appearances)
Star Hawkins loses Ilda while gambling with wealthy rocket-fuel heir Dirk Danton. Star delivers Ilda to Danton aboard his space-yacht and is invited on a cruise. During the cruise, the Plutonian crewmen mutiny. Ilda is immune to their weapons, and Star bluffs the pirates by making them believe she is rigged to explode. The bluff works, and the mutineers surrender. Danton returns Ilda to Star as a reward for his help.
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