Strange Adventures #137
Title: "The Case of the Robot Brother"
Pages: 8
Star Hawkins
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- "Meteor" Morgan and his gang (no further appearances)
- Robot M2324 (no further appearances)
Ilda's serial number of F2324 is given in this story.
While Star Hawkins tracks down jewel thief "Meteor" Morgan, Ilda begins a search for a criminal robot, M2324. The robot attends a meeting with Morgan's gang. Star crashes the meeting and disables M2324 with a ray-blast. However, he is pinned down by Morgan. Ilda finds the hide-out and uses her metal body to protect her employer. Star then apprehends Morgan. Ilda performs repairs on the criminal robot, which gives up crime and becomes a model automaton.
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