Strange Adventures #131
Title: "The Case of the 3-Eyed Invaders"
Pages: 8
Star Hawkins
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Three alien invaders (Krowss and Knobel named; no further appearances)
Ilda spends her day cleaning the apartment of her boss, Star Hawkins. When she finishes, she realizes that she entered the wrong apartment and cleaned the one directly above Star's. While Ilda goes downstairs and begins cleaning the right apartment, the residents of the cleaned apartment return. They are three aliens planning an invasion. They think Ilda has stumbled across their plans, so they disable her. Ilda manages to get a message to Star. He comes to Ilda's aid and apprehends the aliens, preventing their invasion plot.
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