Mystery in Space #53
Title: "Menace of the Robot Raiders"
Pages: 10
Adam Strange (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Reprinted In:
Strange Adventures #219 (1969)
Adam Strange Archives Vol. 1 HC (2004)
Showcase Presents:Adam Strange Vol. 1 TPB (2007)
Adam Strange:The Silver Age Omnibus HC (2017)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Vor Kan (a robot repairman; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The Griks (an alien race; no further appearances)
- Kal Jat (commander of the Ranagar city guards; no further appearances)
Adam Strange returns to Rann to find Alanna in control of a giant robot. The robot and others like it were given to the people of Ranagar in exchange for a mineral by some aliens, the Griks. When the robots rebel, the Griks are believed to be responsible. Adam fights to free Alanna, then he confronts the Griks, who claim to be innocent. Adam traces the controller to Vor Kan, the Ranagaran man responsible for keeping the robots operational. Adam destroys his control device and captures Vor Kan, before being sent back to Earth by the Zeta Beam.
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