Star Spangled Comics #42
Title: "Peril and Plunder"
Pages: 10
Star-Spangled Kid (of Earth-2)
Artist: Jon Small
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- High-Brow Herby (alias Professor Reeder; no further appearances)
- High-Brow's men (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Billings (a resort manager; no further appearances)
Sylvester and Dugan investigate rumors that indicate a dormant volcano might erupt near a hotel. They meet Professor Reeder, who is spreading the rumor. When Sylvester tries to disprove the rumor, Reeder tries to rub out the kid.
The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy then follow the professor inside a cave in the side of the mountain. They find a gang of crooks with dynamite set to explode. The crooks delay the heroes, then set off their explosion. The hotel is evacuated, allowing the crooks to rob it. Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy then stop the looters and capture Reeder, alias High-Brow Herby.
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