Batman #145
Title: "Hunt for Mr. 50"
Pages: 8
Batman (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mr. 50 (name revealed as Narkin; a smuggler; no further appearances)
- Brody, Edwards, and two other men (Mr. 50’s hirelings; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- James Chow (a paper maker; no further appearances)
- A Hawaii police detective (no further appearances)
Batman and Robin trace a smuggling ring to Hawaii. From there they follow and trail of suspects and clues to locate the head of the ring, Mr. 50. The smuggler knocks Batman out, but Robin and a Hawaiin detective rescue him. Then Batman collars the criminal.
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