Batman #88
Title: "Three Letters to Batman"
Pages: 8
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Several unnamed members of a criminal gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The Queen of Mundovia (no further appearances)
Batman and Robin stop a criminal gang during a robbery, however the loot mysteriously disappears. Later, a letter arrives which indicates someone is watching the Dynamic Duo. Robin tries to learn the identity of the observer, and after a second encounter with the gang, another letter arrives. During the third encounter with the gang, Batman solves the mystery of the disappearing loot. The gang used balloons to float the loot to a waiting helicopter. Robin also solves the puzzle of the mysterious letter writer, whose third letter reveals his knowledge of Batman’s secret identity. Batman himself wrote the letters to test Robin.
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